Academic and Professional Publications
I have published 30+ papers (28 CCF-A). My publications appears in top tier conferences (e.g., ACM CCS, Usenix Security, NDSS, Blackhat, INFOCOM), and top tier journals (e.g., TDSC, TPDS).
Yue Zhang, Jian Weng, Rajib Dey and Xinwen Fu, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Security and Privacy, Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, Springier Nature Switzerland AG, 2019
Conference Publications:
[USENIX Security 25] - Yumingzhi Pan, Zhen Ling, Yue Zhang, Hongze Wang, Guangchi Liu, Junzhou Luo, Xinwen Fu. "TORCHLIGHT: Shedding LIGHT on Real-World Attacks on Cloudless IoT Devices Concealed within the TOR Network." To appear in Proceedings of the 34th USENIX Security Symposium. [Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[USENIX Security 25] - Yifan Yao, Shawn McCollum, Zhibo Sun,Yue Zhang. "Easy As Child’s Play: An Empirical Study on Age Verification of Adult-Oriented Android Apps." To appear in Proceedings of the 34th USENIX Security Symposium. [Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[USENIX Security 25] - Xinhui Shao, Zhen Ling, Yue Zhang, Huaiyu Yan, Yumeng Wei, Lan Luo, Zixia Liu, Junzhou Luo, Xinwen Fu. "The Cost of Performance: Breaking ThreadX with Kernel Object Masquerading Attacks". To appear in Proceedings of the 34th USENIX Security Symposium. [Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[NDSS 25] - Christopher Ellis, Yue Zhang, Mohit Kumar Jangid, Shixuan Zhao, Zhiqiang Lin. "Deanonymizing Device Identities via Side-channel Attacks in Exclusive-use IoTs and Mitigation." To appear in The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2025.[Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[NDSS 25] - Yuqing Yang, Yue Zhang, Zhiqiang Lin. "Understanding the Miniapp Malware: Identification, Dissection, and Characterization." To appear in The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2025.[Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[CCS 2024] - Yue Zhang, Zhen Ling, Michael Cash, Qiguang Zhang, Christopher Morales-Gonzalez, Qun Zhou Sun, Xinwen Fu, 'Collapse Like A House of Cards: Hacking Building Automation System Through Fuzzing', in Proceedings of the 31th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Salt Lake City, USA, October 14-18, 2024.[Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[CCS 2024] - Yue Zhang, Melih Sirlanci, Ruoyu "Fish" Wang, and Zhiqiang Lin, When Compiler Optimizations Meet Symbolic Execution: An Empirical Study, in Proceedings of ACM CCS, October 14-18, 2024, Salt Lake City, U.S.A.[Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[CCS 2024] - Kaizhen Liu, Ming Yang, Zhen Ling, Yue Zhang, Chongqing Lei, Junzhou Luo abd Xinwen Fu, RIoTFuzzer: Companion App Assisted Remote Fuzzing for Detecting Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices, in Proceedings of ACM CCS, October 14-18, 2024, Salt Lake City, U.S.A.[Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[USENIX Security24] Chongqing Lei, Zhen Ling, Yue Zhang, Yan Yang, Junzhou Luo, Xinwen Fu, A Friend's Eye is A Good Mirror: Synthesizing MCU Peripheral Models from Peripheral Driver, in Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium, August 14–16, 2024 Philadephia, PA, USA. [Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[AsiaCCS 24] - Chao Wang, Yue Zhang, and Zhiqiang Lin. RootFree Attacks: Exploiting Mobile Super Apps From Desktop Platforms. The 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2024). [Tier 2] [CCF-C]
[INFOCOM 24] - Shan Wang, Ming Yang, Wenxuan Dai, Yu Liu, Yue Zhang, and Xinwen Fu, “Deanonymizing Ethereum Users behind Third-Party RPC Services”, accepted to appear in Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM’24), Vancouver, Canada, May 20-23, 2024. [CCF-A][AR 19.6%]
2023 and Before:
[SaTS 23] - Yanjie Zhao, Yue Zhang, and Haoyu Wang. "Potential Risks Arising from the Absence of Signature Verification in Miniapp Plugins." In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Superapps, pp. 59-64. 2023.
[USENIX Security23] - Chao Wang, Yue Zhang, and Zhiqiang Lin. One Size Does Not Fit All: Uncovering And Exploiting Cross Platform Discrepant APIs in Wechat. In 31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23), 2023.[Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[CCS 23b] Chao Wang, Yue Zhang, and Zhiqiang Lin. Uncovering and Exploiting Hidden APIs in Mobile Super Apps. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. November 2023.[Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[CCS 23a] Yue Zhang, Yuqing Yang, and Zhiqiang Lin. Don’t Leak Your Keys: Understanding, Measuring, and Exploiting the AppSecret Leaks in Mini-Programs. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. November 2023.[Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[ICSE 23] Chao Wang, Ronny Ko, Yue Zhang, Yuqing Yang, Zhiqiang Lin. TAINTMINI: Detecting Flow of Sensitive Data in Mini-Programs with Static Taint Analysis. To appear in The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2023.[Tier 1] [CCF-A]
[NDSS 23c] Chongqing Lei, Zhen Ling, Yue Zhang, Kai Dong, Kaizheng Liu, Junzhou Luo, Xinwen Fu, 'Do Not Give a Dog Bread Every Time He Wags His Tail: Stealing Passwords through Content Queries (CONQUER) Attacks'. In Proceedings of the 30th Network and Distributed System Security, San Diego, CA, April 2023. [Tier 1] [BIG4] [CCF-A]
[NDSS 23b] Caiqin Dong, Jian Weng, Jia-Nan Liu, Yue Zhang, Yao Tong, Anjia Yang, Yudan Cheng, and Shun Hu. “Fusion: Efficient and Secure Inference Resilient to Malicious Servers”. In Proceedings of the 30th ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, San Diego, CA, April 2023. [Tier 1] [CCF-A] [BIG4]
[NDSS 23a] Mohit K. Jangid*, Yue Zhang*, Zhiqiang Lin. “Extrapolating Formal Analysis to Uncover Attacks in Bluetooth Passkey Entry Pairing”. In Proceedings of the 30th ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, San Diego, CA, April 2023. [Tier 1] [CCF-A] [BIG4] (Co-First Author)
[CCS 22b]- Allen Y. Yang, Yue Zhang, Zhiqiang Lin. "Cross Miniapp Request Forgery: Root Causes, Attacks, and Vulnerability Detection". In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. November 2022. [CCF-A][Tier 1] [BIG4]
[ICDCS 21] - Shan Wang, Zhen Ling, Yue Zhang, Ruizhao Liu, Joshua Kraunelisk, Kang Jia, Bryan Pearson, Xinwen Fu. "Implication of Animation on Android Security", to appear in International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. [CCF-B]
[CCS 22a] - Yue Zhang, Zhiqiang Lin. "When Good Becomes Evil: Tracking Bluetooth Low Energy Devices via Allowlist-based Side Channel and Its Countermeasure". In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. November 2022. [CCF-A][Tier 1] [BIG4]
[INFOCOM 22] - Pearson Bryan, Yue Zhang, Cliff Zou, and Xinwen Fu. “FUME: Fuzzing Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Brokers.” accepted by IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2022 [CCF-A][AR 19.9%]
[SIGMETRICS 2021] . Yue Zhang, Bayan Turkistani, Allen Yuqing Yang, Chaoshun Zuo, and Zhiqiang Lin. "A Measurement Study of Wechat Mini-Apps", In Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS). June 2021. [CCF-B][Tier 1][AR 12.1%]
[ICDCS 2021] - Shan Wang, Ming Yang, Yue Zhang, Yan Luo, Tingjian Ge, Xinwen Fu, Wei Zhao. "On Private Data Collection of Hyperledger Fabric", to appear in International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. [CCF-B][AR 19.8 %]
[INFOCOM21] - Zhen Ling, Ruizhao Liu, Yue Zhang, Kang Jia, Bryan Pearson, Xinwen Fu, Junzhou Luo, 'Prison Break of Android Reflection Restriction and Defense', accepted to appear in Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, May 10-13, 2021. [CCF-A][AR 19.9%]
[USENIX Security20] -Yue Zhang, Jian Weng, Rajib Dey, Yier Jin, Zhiqiang Lin, and Xinwen Fu. "Breaking Secure Pairing of Bluetooth Low Energy Using Downgrade Attacks", To appear in Usenix Security 2020 [BIG4][CCF-A]
[BlackHat Asia20] - Zhijian Shao, Jian Weng, Yue Zhang. "A Guest-to-Host Escape on QEMU/KVM Virtio Devices" BlackHat Asia 2020.
[INFOCOM20]- Yue Zhang, Jian Weng, Zhen Ling, Bryan Pearson, and Xinwen Fu. "BLESS: A BLE Application Security Scanning Framework" accepted by IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications ,2020. [CCF-A][AR 19.8%]
[ICPADS20] Pearson Bryan, Cliff Zou, Yue Zhang, Zhen Ling, and Xinwen Fu. "SIC 2: Securing Microcontroller Based IoT Devices with Low-cost Crypto Coprocessors." IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems , 2020. [CCF-C]
[GlobalCom20] Luo, Lan, Yue Zhang, Cliff C. Zou, Xinhui Shao, Zhen Ling, and Xinwen Fu. "On Runtime Software Security of TrustZone-M based IoT Devices", To appear in the IEEE Global Communications Conference. 2020 [CCF-C]
[RAID19]-Wenrui Diao, Yue Zhang, Li Zhang, Zhou Li, Fenghao Xu, Xiaorui Pan, Xiangyu Liu, Jian Weng, Kehuan Zhang, XiaoFeng Wang. Kindness is a Risky Business: On the Usage of the Accessibility APIs in Android,Accepted by the 22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, Beijing, China, September, 2019. [CCF-B][AR 22%]
[ICC19]-Pearson, Bryan, Lan Luo, Yue Zhang, Rajib Dey, Zhen Ling, Mostafa Bassiouni, and Xinwen Fu. "On Misconception of Hardware and Cost in IoT Security and Privacy."[CCF-C]
[ICII19]-Gao Chao, Luo Lan,Yue Zhang, Pearson Bryan, Fu Xinwen,"Microcontroller Based IoT System Firmware Security: Case Studies ",IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet. [Invited paper][Best Paper Award][AR 16.4%]
[IoT-J25] - Ye Cheng, Minghui Xu, Yue Zhang, Kun Li, Ruoxi Wang, and Lian Yang. "AutoIoT: Automated IoT Platform Using Large Language Models." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2025).[JCR-Q1][CCF-C]
[HCC 24] Yifan Yao, Jinhao Duan, Kaidi Xu, Yuanfang Cai, Eric Sun, Yue Zhang. A Survey on Large Language Model (LLM) Security and Privacy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. High-Confidence Computing.
2023 and Before:
[IoT-J22] - Luo, Lan, Yue Zhang, Clayton White, Brandon Keating, Bryan Pearson, Xinhui Shao, Zhen Ling, Haofei Yu, Cliff Zou, and Xinwen Fu. "On Security of TrustZone-M Based IoT Systems." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2022).[JCR-Q1]
[TDSC 21] -Shao, Zhijian, Jian Weng, Yue Zhang, Yongdong Wu, Ming Li, Jiasi Weng, Weiqi Luo, and Shui Yu. "Peripheral-free Device Pairing by RandomlySwitching Power." IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, to appear, 2021.[CCF-A]
[TDSC21] -Hongwei Huang, Weiqi Luo, Guoqiang Zeng, Jian Weng, Yue Zhang, and Anjia Yang, DAMIA: Leveraging Domain Adaptation as a Defense against Membership Inference Attacks, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, to appear, 2021. [CCF-A]
[IoT-J21] - Liu, Kaizheng, Ming Yang, Zhen Ling, Huaiyu Yan, Yue Zhang, Xinwen Fu, and Wei Zhao. "On Manually Reverse Engineering Communication Protocols of Linux Based IoT Systems." IEEE Internet of Things Journal .[JCR-Q1]
[TVT20] - Kang-Di Lu, Guo-Qiang Zeng, Jian Weng, Yue Zhang, Ming Li. ”An Adaptive Resilient Load Frequency Controller for Smart Grids with DoS Attacks” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. [JCR-Q2]
[CMC20]-Shangjun Luo, Junwei Luo, Wei Lu, Yanmei Fang, Jinhua Zeng, Shaopei Shi, Yue Zhang. Resampling factor estimation via dual-stream convolutional neural network," Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 66, no.1, pp. 647–657, 2021. [JCR-Q3]
[TDSC19] - Weng Jia-Si, Jian Weng, Ming Li, Yue Zhang, and Weiqi Luo. ”DeepChain: Auditable and Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning with Blockchain-based Incentive.”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2019). [CCF-A]
[TDSC19] - Yue Zhang, Jian Weng, Jiasi Weng, Lin Hou, Anjia Yang, Ming Li, Yang Xiang, and Robert Deng. ”Looking Back! Using Early Versions of Android Apps as Attack Vectors.” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2019). [CCF-A]
[TPDS18] - Li, Ming, Jian Weng, Anjia Yang, Wei Lu, Yue Zhang, Lin Hou, Jia-Nan Liu, Yang Xiang, and Robert H. Deng. ”CrowdBC: A blockchain-based decentralized framework for crowdsourcing.” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ,30, no. 6 (2018): 1251-1266. [CCF-A] [Highly Cited Paper]
[TVT18] - Weng Jia-Si, Jian Weng, Yue Zhang, Weiqi Luo, and Weiming Lan. ”Benbi: Scalable and dynamic access control on the northbound interface of sdn-based vanet.” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68, no. 1 (2018): 822-831. [JCR-Q2]
[Sensors18] - Luo, Lan, Yue Zhang, Bryan Pearson, Zhen Ling, Haofei Yu, and Xinwen Fu. ”On the Security and Data Integrity of Low-Cost Sensor Networks for Air Quality Monitoring.” Sensors 18, no. 12 (2018): 4451.
[IASC16] - Mao Jun, Yue Zhang, Min-Rong Chen, Yongbiao Li, and Yiju Zhan. ”Efficient attribute-based encryption schemes for secure communications in cyber defense.” Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 22, no. 3 (2016): 397-403. [JCR-Q4]